Ko au te whenua, ko te whenua ko au
Waiheke Community Art Gallery v5


Chris Booth Homage to a Broken Stone


Tile Shop


Ko au te whenua, ko te whenua ko au

In her earth-coloured bowl which carries the inscribed whakataukī of this exhibition, Ida Edwards (Ngāpuhi) references whakapapa, and our connections to each other and to the land. Leaves encircle the rim of the bowl while tendrils emphasise new growth - one entering the bowl in the form of a koru. She frequently references Mahuika  in her work. “it is fire that captures the essence of the ceramic process,” she has said. “It is one of the most powerful elements used to create and immortalise uku into utilitarian forms or creations that give voice to our whakapapa, to the beauty that surrounds us, and to the inspiration of te reo.”

Artist: Ida Edwards (Te Uriorori, Te Hikutu, Ngāpuhi)
Materials: Uku


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