I Love Your Guts I
Waiheke Community Art Gallery v5


Chris Booth Homage to a Broken Stone


Tile Shop


I Love Your Guts I



This artwork explores the intricate relationship between traditional craft and the relentless march of industrialization. It serves as a visual narrative, inviting viewers to contemplate the delicate balance between preserving age-old techniques and embracing the advancements of modernity.

The piece represents both the resilience of traditional craftsmanship and the transformative power of industrialization.

The sensual, warm leather with its intricate patterns, adds a sense of human touch. In contrast, the industrial setting is characterized by the cold, mechanical briques. The interplay between these two worlds is highlighted through visual juxtaposition.

I choose to have all the material in black, so the visual difference is subtle, and is told only through textures and feel.

Through this artwork, I aim to spark a dialogue about the complexities of progress and the impact it has on traditional craftsmanship. It raises questions about the preservation of cultural heritage in the face of rapid industrialization and the potential loss of time-honored techniques that have been passed down through generations.


Artist: Marion Courtille Heays
Materials: Painted brick and Italian leather

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