Presented by Perpetual Guardian in association with Postage Stamp Wines and the Waiheke Community Art Gallery, the Small Sculpture Prize is a national award for an original free standing or wall sculpture up to 800mm in any direction.
The premiere prize is $5,000 with a Benefactors Merit Prize of $2,000 and Church Bay People's Choice Award of $1500.
The 2025 selector and judge is Tim Melville.
Entries open on Monday 24 February and close Monday 14 April 2025. Up to two works may be submitted and a maximum of two images of each work must accompany the submission.
Gala Exhibition opening and announcement of Award. Friday 10 May 2025. Finalists complimentary.
Entries open 24 February. Up to two works may be submitted accompanied with up to two images for each work, (please describe close up detailed images of each work accordingly as website uploads them as unique works) artists statement and a current CV.
Images need to be either of completed works or scans of drawings or designs of work yet to be made.
You will need to complete this entry form and pay the $55 entry fee on-line. Your images will go into an image gallery which will then be accessed by the selector. Any special requirements needed for the work, (ie: power supply or technical) must be noted in the submission. If you do not have access to a computer then please contact us to submit. Closing date for entries is Monday 14 April 2025.
The exhibition is open to any New Zealand resident upon payment of the entry fee (non-refundable) $55.
Up to two works can be submitted and a maximum of two images of each work must accompany the submission. Work must not have been exhibited previously. Work must be for sale and no larger than 800mm in height or length. WCAG reserves the right to decline or accept a submission. Appropriate packaging, insurance, freighting and postal costs to the gallery and return are the artists responsibility.
The Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. WCAG reserves the right to reproduce exhibited images for publicity purposes.
Upon payment of the entry fee (non-refundable), and completion of the entry form. Jpeg images must be no larger then 5MB. Do not use any syntax or special characters in the jpeg descriptions as this will cause potential rejection of image upload. Every work must be original and the sole work of the artist.
From the submissions the selector and judge will decide on the finalists to be exhibited at the gallery. Artists will be advised of selection or non-selection on Tuesday 22 April 2025. From the finalists the judge will select the award winners. The judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Monday 24 February 2025: Online Entries Open.
Monday 14 April 2025: Closing date for submissions.
Tuesday 22 April 2025: Artists advised of selection.
Monday 5 May 2025: Two Print quality images to be delivered to the Gallery for publicity purposes.
Friday 2 May 2025: Work to have arrived at the Gallery.
(Note: Courier or deliver to the Gallery, Fullers does not provide a transport service anymore).
Friday 9 May - Sunday 8 June 2025: Exhibition dates.
Friday 9 May 2025: Gala Exhibition Opening and Award Announcement.
Monday 9 June 2025: Unsold works available for collection.
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