Barbara Robinson - Extraction
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Barbara Robinson - Extraction

13 September - 13 October 2024

"..The past imposing on the present.

Continuing the providence of the kauri artefacts and resin gifted to me, these works reference our extractive environmental history.

Using tar, melted crayons and fragments of precious kauri, a heat gun creates slippage and slumpage to highlight land movement and forestry slash..." - Barbara Robinson 


During her 35 years as an art educator in Christchurch, Barbara explored nearly every art media, style and genre, sharing richly tactile forms of expression which led to an interdisciplinary approach to her own work.

Moving to Waiheke Island 13 years ago a supportive, like-minded community, where resourcefulness, repurposing and authenticity are celebrated, has encouraged her to decontextualize salvaged materials. This work responds to her witnessing the destruction of heritage materials post-earthquake and continues to focus on her passion for the environment, Topophilia.

Artist Statements:
"..I choose materials for their history and symbolism; their origin, use/misuse and travels. Whether collected, discarded, waste products or by-products, I aim to transform and revalue materials adding layers of meaning and an inherent story.

When Matt Harte gifted me the remains of Kauri cobbles from Karangahape Road, that he uplifted, brought to Waiheke and made into ‘gold ingots’ for Sculpture on the Gulf, I immediately visualised another rendition for these artefacts. The 5-year journey has given me a unique opportunity to explore the history of Kauri forestry on Waiheke, its virtual elimination and now the importance of protecting our remaining trees from kauri die back." 

Visit the Short film Kauri Gold covering the exhibition with Matt Harte and Anton Forde


Picture1 K road


"..The Past imposing on the Present continues the providence of the kauri artefacts and resin gifted to me and these works reference our extractive environmental history. 
Initially I formed bricolage of complete slices using encaustic to highlight and preserve the patina, then I housed them in purposely aged mirror to challenge people to reflect on past and present use and abuse of kauri. The axes allude more directly to the wanton destruction of Kauri on Waiheke Headlands.
As my supply of kauri dwindled and the forces of nature wreaked havoc on the East Coast, I used small slithers to represent the forestry slash that had disastrous consequences.
Using mixed media, oil crayons, tar and a heat gun I created slippage and slumpage to highlight the deforestation. The lyrical fluidity of this technique offered endless alchemic experimentation and the latest iterations are like archaeological sites, using gold leaf to brighten the hero of this show KAURI.." - Barbara


Picture2 kauri logs


Barbara Robinson 2

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